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In Psalm 141:3, we read, “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!” This verse echos the theme of dozens and dozens of verses in Scripture. And it’s not by accident that God warns us more than once to watch what we say. Our tongues are powerful and as we’ve mentioned before on the show, they can give life.
Today’s guest, Ginger Hubbard, is here to give us some tips for taming our kids’ tongues so that they too might speak life.
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Ginger is the bestselling author of Don’t Make Me Count to Three, Wise Words for Moms, and I Can’t Believe You Just Said That. Perhaps you’ve heard her at a women’s event, parenting or homeschool conference, or on her own show the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard Podcast.
“It’s never enough that we teach our kids what not to do. We have to teach them what to do.”
Ginger Hubbard
To learn more about Ginger Hubbard:
“We shouldn’t just rebuke and discipline the child who is speaking disrespectfully. We want to have them come back and practice the Biblical alternative by communicating the right way.”
Ginger Hubbard
Mentioned in this episode:
- James 1:5
- Episode 61: Helping Our Kids Through Disappointment
- Ephesians 4:22-24
- Wise Words for Moms Chart
- Episode 10: Building Character in Kids
- Proverbs 15:1
“Our whole purpose in disciplining our children is not to merely teach them to avoid consequences but to train and instruct and encourage them to honor God with their lives.”
Ginger Hubbard
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