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Raising children who love to learn is a goal of just about every parent but not every parent believes they have the tools to do it properly. By learning how to identify your child’s innate smarts, you will have a unique advantage and a leg up on helping your kids recognize that they really are smart, no matter what the circumstances say. How children view themselves is so important! And as parents, we can help them view themselves correctly.
Today we are honored to welcome our first guest of the season. Dr. Kathy Koch is the founder of Celebrate Kids, Inc., based in Fort Worth, Texas. She is also a popular guest on Focus on the Family radio, was featured in Kirk Cameron’s movie, Connect, and has published five books with Moody Publishers.
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“Identity controls behavior.”
Dr. Kathy Koch
To learn more about Dr. Kathy Koch:
“Choose to see this as a strength to develop in your child, not a problem to eliminate.”
Dr. Kathy Koch
Dr. Kathy Koch’s books:
- 8 Great Smarts: Discover and Nurture Your Child’s Intelligences
- Start with the Heart: How to Motivate Your Kids to Be Compassionate, Responsible, and Brave (Even When You’re Not Around)
- Five to Thrive: How to Determine If Your Core Needs Are Being Met (and What to Do When They’re Not)
- No More Perfect Kids: Love Your Kids for Who They Are
- Screens and Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in a Wireless World
8 Great Smarts:
- Word smart
- Logic smart
- Picture smart
- Music smart
- Body smart
- Nature smart
- People smart
- Self smart
“We need to be strong enough to allow our children to be unhappy with us.”
Dr. Kathy Koch
Mentioned in this episode:
- 8 Great Smarts for Homeschoolers: A Guide to Teaching Based on Your Child’s Unique Strengths by Tina Hollenbeck
- Howard Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences Theory
- 8 Great Smarts assessment
- Free downloads about the 8 Great Smarts
“School is not about grades. It’s about learning.”
Dr. Kathy Koch
Episode partners:
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