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Finding a community for special needs families can be difficult and lonely. They need the support of the church, their families, and friends to help and be available when needed. We can all do something to help the caregivers we know.
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Today we’re welcoming Jess Ronne to the podcast. Jess is the author of Sunlight Burning at Midnight, founder of a non-profit, and mom of 8 including her son, Lucas, born with profound disabilities.
To learn more about Jess Ronne:
“It’s up to you how you are going to proceed and navigate into the world with the story that the Lord has given you. You can wallow in self-pity and victimhood or you can do something great with your story.”
Jess RonneBooks by Jess Ronne:
“Your wounding is probably not your fault, but your healing is your responsibility.”
Jess Ronne
Mentioned in this episode:
- Episode 84: In Defense of Life with Abby Johnson
- Jess Ronne and family on the Today Show
- The Ostrich and Other Lost Things by Beth Hautala
- Go Fund Me for Hope Farm
- Psalm 139:13-14
“If it is true that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, isn’t it also true a society is only as healthy as its sickest citizen?”
Maya Angelou
Episode partners:
- Classical Conversations: a classical Christian community for your homeschool. You’re their first teacher. Be their best teacher.
- Get a Gabb phone or watch with code MOMTOMOM at www.gabb.com/promo/MOMTOMOM.