The Girl Power “Gospel”

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The world would like women to believe that faith in Christ pushes women down and makes them “lesser than”–that the church holds women back or more aptly, that Jesus holds women back.

Perhaps in an attempt to right that wrong, the current Christian culture has swung the pendulum in the opposite direction, encouraging women to rise up, to demand platforms and blow horns, to power grab for what is rightfully ours. This Girl Power “Gospel” has invaded the church like cancer, but the fallout of this feel-good “Christian” message is just as dangerous as the lies the world is doling out.

What is the true metric for success?

This is the true test, to live like Christ. To lay down our lives, our agendas, our hopes and dreams, our ways and wants, our questions, our bodies, and to pick up our crosses and follow the One who showed us the way and daily teaches us how to walk.

Jesus asks each of us to pick up our cross and follow Him. To obey whatever He tells us. To listen for His voice and then do what He says. To sprinkle holy salt and shine holy light on the people around us day after day. Whether it’s in the boardroom or the laundry room, a worldwide platform or a homeschool classroom— the setting isn’t what’s important. We don’t change the world by where we are but by whose we are.

Kate Battisteli in The God Dare

As Christians, we’re not to make much of ourselves. We’re to make much of Christ. It’s not about us. It’s always about Him. As John 3:30 says, He must increase and I must decrease.

He never called us to crush our dreams or to have agency over our own lives. We are called to service and while sometimes that service might look like success to the world, the messenger should never outshine the Message. The Girl Power “Gospel” pushes women to lead.

Jesus asks that we follow.

He asks that everyone follow.