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To round out our three-part series of the working mom, we want to focus on a category of mothers who tends to get overlooked or perhaps, not considered when she is seen in the workforce or doing both working from home, working outside the home and raising a family. This is the woman who is working when that wasn’t necessary “the plan,” or the vision her family had made a choice for when considering who would work and why.
Sometimes life takes a mom in a direction than she had planned or prepared for. Today’s guest, Stacey Thacker, knows all too well what it looks like to be a working mom when she’d planned to be one who stays at home.
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Stacey is a personal friend and a cheerleader to all women. She is wife to Mike and the mother to four daughters, growing up so quickly and beautifully. She is author of seven books including the upcoming Threadbare Prayer: 100 Prayers to Pray When You Feel Hidden, Hurt, or Hopeless.
“God is going to be there and He is going to supply every need. You don’t have to manufacture it. It comes from Him.”
Stacey Thacker
To learn more about Stacey Thacker:
“Whatever you place in my hands, Lord, I’ll receive, be grateful, and give you glory for it.”
Stacey Thacker
Stacey’s Books:
- Fresh Out of Amazing
- When Grace Walks In
- Is Jesus Worth It?
- Hope for the Weary Mom
- Hope for the Weary Mom Devotional
- Being Ok With Where You Are
“Part of getting to joy is surrendering what you think you needed and trusting Him to put there what is best for you.”
Stacey Thacker