Hope for the Grieving Mom with Danita Jenae

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Life isn’t always as smooth and happy as a Hallmark commercial. For some of us, tragedy arrives out of the blue, shattering every truth about God we thought we knew. It can come through divorce, death of a loved one, the loss of a secure job, or the loss of a spouse.

How do you find your Rock in the midst of devastation? How do you find unshakeable peace? Danita Jenae has walked the road of deep loss after suddenly losing her husband Dan. In her new book, When Mountains Crumble, she shares a compelling message for the brokenhearted.

“Every time you face a hard thing, you have a chance to walk further away from God or lean into Him more.”

Danita Jenae

To learn more about Denita Jenae:

“There’s a difference between questioning God’s plan for you and questioning God’s heart for you.”

Danita Jenae

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