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We realize that abortion is a very tender topic for some listeners, especially in light of the recent reversal of Roe vs. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court. To be honest, it’s a very tender topic for each of us on the show. All three of us have been touched by the effects of abortion in some way or another. Our goal today is not to pass judgment or to point fingers. Instead, we hope to do two things: First, share our stories and the truth of Scripture to offer help, hope, and healing to anyone who might need it, and second, equip others to help their family, friends, and neighbors choose life.
We are joined by Abby Johnson, former clinic director for Planned Parenthood and now an outspoken advocate of the pro-life movement.
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“It’s a lot easier to justify our sin than to expose our sin publicly or even to admit our sin.”
Abby Johnson
To learn more about Abby Johnson:
Abby’s books:
- Fierce Mercy
- The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories
- Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader’s Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line
“Almost 60% of women who have abortions are regularly attending church. We are dealing with a problem in the church.”
Abby Johnson
Mentioned in this episode:
- The Silent Scream– movie by Dr. Bernard Nathanson
- The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by The Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind by Dr. Bernard Nathanson
- Luke 1:41-44– when John leaps in his mother’s womb
- Psalm 139:13-15– the verses about God forming life in the womb
- Genesis 2:7– the verse about God breathing life into Adam
- summarized research results of Dr. Sandra Mahkorn regarding rape victims and abortion
- Unplanned movie
- Isaiah 49:1
“Abortion is wrong because it’s an active move against wrong.”
Abby Johnson
Episode partners:
- Holy Hygge: Creating a Place for People to Gather and the Gospel to Grow– Jamie’s new book