The Girl Mom

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As mothers of girls, we’re trying to raise up strong, Godly women in an ungodly world. A large part of who our daughters will become is deeply connected with what we model for them. We’re a blueprint. They watch how we dress, how we act, how we treat others. They’ll listen as we talk to our friends, our husband, our not-so-loving neighbors. They’ll pay attention to what we do, not what we say to do. And most importantly, they’ll observe how we live out the truth of God’s Word to the world.

That might feel like a heavy burden, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a great gift–to model Christ-likeness to the next generation of women and pass the torch on to them when they leave our homes.

“Mothering a girl has really helped me be mindful of my own identity in Christ.”

Jamie Erickson

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Mentioned on the Podcast:

“God will only ever raise you up to the degree that you are willing to go low.”

Kate Battistelli

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